Deep Top 20 Songs
Download Deep Top 20 Songs
1. Game
(Deepak Dhillon)
2. 3,13
(Pardeep Sran)
3. Alarm
(Cheema Y and Deepak Dhillon)
4. Vadda Bai
5. Rooh
6. Case
(Deep Kalsi)
7. Goriye
(Deep Khosa)
8. Jattan Da Putt
(Deep Bajwa)
9. Chaska Badmashi Ka
(R Deep and Komal Chaudhary)
10. Kol E Hunda
(Deep Chahal)
11. Love at Tim
(V Deep)
12. Cloud 9
(Deep Jandu)
13. Ardaas
(Hardeep Grewal)
14. Amli Bande
(Jatinder Dhiman and Deepak Dhillon)
15. Jail
(Deepak Dhillon)
16. Wang
(Preet Harpal)
17. Jail
(Mankirt Aulakh)
18. Jind Mahi
(Kulbir Jhinjer)
19. Zehar
(Deep Vibe)
20. Peer Vi Tu
(Harshdeep Kaur and Mohan Kannan)
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