Fouji Top 20 Songs
Download Fouji Top 20 Songs
1. Fouji Fojan 2
(Raj Mawer and Sapna Choudhary)
2. Low Rider
(Harjot Ladbanzaria and Fouji)
3. Balam Patli Padgi
(Ruchika Jangid and Mukesh Fouji)
4. Foujia Ka Tamboo 2
(Rahul Bass)
5. Detail
6. Dassa Tainu
7. Fouji Te Pyar
(Sandeep Fouji and Sheenam Ketholic)
8. Khyaal
9. Fouji Foujan
(Gagan Haryanvi, AK Jatti (Anu Kadyan), Sonika Singh and others...)
10. Khatak
(Pavinder Jangra and Subhash Fouji)
11. Teri Yaad Satave Fouji
(Raju Punjabi and Sheenam Kaitholic)
12. Tere Aali
(Suresh Kurana, Sonu Fouji, Himanshi Goswami and others...)
13. Fouji Balma
(Raj Mawar and Anjali 99)
14. Chhori Bullet Bargi
(Mukesh Fouji)
15. Poonam Ka Chand
(Mukesh Fouji)
16. Parmanu Bomb
(Devender Fouji and Kavita Sabu)
17. Khot Maada
(Sandeep Fouji and Vandna Jangir)
18. Kanjoos Balam
(Mukesh Fouji)
19. Payal Ki Chham Chham
(Mukesh Fouji)
20. 2 Minute Ki Baat
(Lalchand Fouji and Kavita Sobu)
Top 20 Fouji Songs
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